Strength and conditioning coach ☑️
Skills coach ☑️
Physical therapist ☑️
Nutritionist ☑️
Even if you have an entire team like this supporting you the responsibility lies on your own shoulders and on your communication. Each of these coaches can only help you if you are open and honest with them.
In the strength world coaches get the most frustrated when an athlete avoids relaying that they have a nagging injury. When the slightest injury occurs we need to know right away to adjust the exercises. Often athletes will simply ignore the injury, not telling anyone, until it becomes a major problem. At this point the program has to take a step back instead of only adjusting course.
Skills coaches, nutritionists, and others all require a similar level of open and honest communication from their athletes if they are going to be effective.
Ask yourself if you are communicating as much as you could be with your support team no matter how big or small that team is. There may be stupid questions, but that is no reason not to ask them! Reach out to your coaches and give them some extra feedback today in order to improve your own training and performance.