Psst….(there actually is more to life than your sport)….
So what is that for you? Do you have a bigger goal in mind?
I encourage you to find this meaning and larger goal for life because it allows you to live more consistently in the flow. It leads to a positive outlook and greater achievements. Recognizing your larger purpose leads to a fulfilling life outside of athletics and more success in them.
With your unique goal in mind you orient everything else in its direction. Anything that doesn’t fit will fall away. Things like criticism and missteps that would have created self doubt in the past lose their effect. Immerse yourself only in the tasks that lead to your goal. If your sport fits into your overarching challenge then you will be even more motivated in your training.
As you hone in on your goal don’t cheapen it by hanging it on something external and finite like a championship or an award. Don’t place anyone else’s approval as something to aspire towards. Instead work towards a purpose higher than each of these. What will push you to be a better person each and every moment regardless of outside success and failures?
Let this purpose be your driving force as you face challenges in athletics and life. Only in this life encapsulating flow will you become the person and athlete you want to be.